I have many friends who are artists. For the most part they paint what they see around them....landscapes and flowers and people. Sometimes I am a little envious because when they want to make a painting they can look at an object or person and take brush to canvas and away they go! It doesn't work that way for me. I can sit at my easel and I can slap paint on a surface until dinnertime and it comes to nothing! I guess for me that is the backdoor definition of inspiration. So, when the feeling is right I just know what colors to use and the blobs and lines on the canvas begin taking shape and and it it is like seeing animals in the clouds. Then I continue to work adding this and that until I come to a certain point where I am empty and it is "quitting time"....is the painting finished? No, not usually. Most of my paintings take weeks or even months to complete and even then I look at them and I often see something else that needs to be added or changed! And every once in a while I gaze at a painting and I am like Goldilocks.....ah, this one is just right!