My earliest memory of childhood is making art...plotting designs with Mom's wonderful collection of buttons or Crayola-ing the loops and circles I drew on the cardboard inserts that came with my Father's freshly laundered shirts. Now I have many more colors to work with and several various mediums at my disposal but the art making process hasn't really changed all that much! I still begin the paintings with no preconceived notion...just a loose application of thinned oil paint on primed masonite board or stretched linen or jute. The painting emerges ever so slowly revealing itself in fits and starts. Most of the paintings, especially the larger ones, take many months to complete.I keep adding to the canvas with successively richer layers of pigment until I am satisfied that I have followed the Muse's directions! From an amorphous splash of color comes a highly detailed abstraction that may be reminiscent of a city, an ancient land or even a feeling of carnival or industry. The paintings are the product of inspiration filtered through dreams, memories or human archetypes. And that is it. It is a gift. I am a conduit. I am fortunate.